The summer comes with its scorching and excessive heat. But it also comes with some great vegetables that can be very beneficial to our overall health. In the following article, we will explore six amazing summer vegetables and their benefitial impact on our health.


   Beetroot is an exceptional summer vegetable. They are packed with great nutrients that can have tremendous benefits for our health. They are rich in vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin B9, also called folic acid. Beetroots are also high in minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron, etc.



fresh cut beetroot and beetroot juice


Health benefits of beetroot

·      * Beetroots are perfect for improving your athletic  

p    performance. They will boost your energy to   

     exercise and help you recover after training.

* Great for the liver. Beetroots help boost the functions of this vital organ by getting rid of any damaging waste left in the liver.

* Beetroots help nurture our probiotics, the good bacteria living inside our organism. The plant compound Betacyanin helps strengthen our probiotics and prevent certain bad bacteria, such as Helicobacter Pylori.

* Beetroots are rich in beneficial plant compounds such as inorganic nitrates. These nitrates help lower blood pressure and consequently decrease any heart disease.

* Beetroots are high in antioxidants. These beneficial compounds make it a great anti-inflammatory against all viral infections.

* Helps with digestion because it contains special enzymes that facilitate the complex process of digestion.

* Perfect for pregnant women. It helps with the construction of the fetus’ brain.

* Beetroots are known for supporting the body’s natural detoxification system. It is a wonderful detox vegetable.


   Carrots are an exceptional vegetable. They contain many nutrients like beta-carotene, antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and vitamin K1. These rich nutrients can benefit and support your overall health.

a bunch of frest carrots in a bowl

Health benefits of carrots

* Carrots can improve eye health. This is a common fact for many people. The carotenoids found in carrots (beta carotene and alpha carotene) and vitamin A promote good vision.

* Perfect for weight loss. Carrots are low in calories, which automatically increases fullness without gaining any additional weight. For a 100-gram serving, the number of calories is just 41. So, carrots can be a great addition to any weight-loss diet.

* Carrots help reduce the risk of cancer. The plant compounds in carrots, like the carotenoids, have powerful antioxidant activity that helps protect against certain cancers like colon, prostate, and stomach cancer.


   Cucumbers are a very nutritious fruit. They contain a very good amount of water. Cucumbers are low in calories but very rich in many minerals, vitamins, and soluble fiber. Cucumbers contain vitamin C and vitamin K. They are packed with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and manganese. They are perfect for hydrating during the summer and excessive heat.

Fresh whole and slices of cucumber

Health benefits of cucumber

* Cucumbers promote hydration. Due to their high content of water, cucumbers are perfect for hydration during the summer. In fact, they are made up of 96% water. As we all know, water is a crucial element in how our entire body functions.

* Cucumbers can help you lose weight. They are low in calories. A 100-gram serving contains only 15 calories. This means that you can eat as much cucumber as you want without gaining any extra weight.



   This leafy green vegetable is very nutritious. It contains carbs and is high in insoluble fiber. Spinach is a good source for vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K1, and vitamin B9, or folic acid. Besides, spinacht is high in iron and calcium . Spinach can have many benefits for our health.


fresh spinach leaves in a round bowl

Health benefits of spinach

* Spinach helps regulate high blood pressure. This leafy vegetable is very rich in nitrates. Studies have shown that these nitrates help lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of having heart disease.

* Help decrease oxidative stress . It ultimately has numerous consequences, like accelerated aging and the risk of having diabetes and cancer. Due to its richness in antioxidants, spinach has the capacity to reduce the damage caused by these free radicals.

* Spinach promotes good vision. It is a good source for carotenoids such as Zeaxanthin and Lutein. These two compounds help protect the eyes from the damage caused by sunlight.


   Sweet potatoes are sweet and full of starch . They are a great source of vitamins like vitamin B6, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Sweet potatoes are packed with minerals like manganese, potassium, and copper and are a great source of fiber.

Health benefits of sweet potatoes

* The fiber and antioxidants in sweet potatoes are very beneficial for our gut health. This sweet veggie contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. They help with the growth of good bacteria inside our gut.

* Sweet potatoes are good for eye health. They are very rich in beta-carotene. The beta-carotene compound is then converted to vitamin A in our body. It promotes good vision. A severe deficiency in vitamin A can cause a special type of blindness called Xerophthalmia.

* Sweet potatoes contain different antioxidants, like Anthocyanins. The powerful plant compound helps protect against certain types of cancer. This group of antioxidants helps slow down the growth of certain types of cancer cells, like those in the bladder, colon, stomach, and breast.


   Eggplants, or aubergines, are a rich summer veggie full of great nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Being rich in many nutrients, eggplants can have great benefits for our health.

fresh whole eggplants

Health Benefits of Eggplants

* Eggplants are high in many antioxidants, especially Anthocyanins. Many scientific studies have shown that antioxidants can help boost the immune system and thus prevent many chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. One of the anthocyanin compounds is known as Nasunin. These plant compounds are very beneficial and have many antioxidant properties.

* Thanks to their high content of antioxidants, eggplants can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

* Eggplants are high in fiber. They help lower your blood pressure. Fiber slows down the process of digestion and helps absorb the sugar in the body.

* Due to its richness in fiber and low calories, eggplant can be the perfect food for any weight-loss diet.

Eggplants are easy and quick to make. They can be grilled, baked, roasted, or sautéed.

