The Benefits of Garlic and How to

 Incorporate it into Your Diet

   Garlic is without doubt the most powerful food in nature. It has been used in all cultures since the dawn of mankind. It is used both for its culinary and medicinal purposes. First, garlic is used as a strong flavor to all kinds of dishes, cold or hot. Besides, it can be utilized as an efficient antibiotic in certain health conditions like the flu. It has numerous benefits for our health. In this article, we will explore the great benefits of garlic and provide some ways to incorporate this plant to practically all your meals.

fresh whole garlic and garlic cloves



Water............................ 58.6 g

Protein.......................... 6.36 g

Calories........................ 149 Kcal

Carbohydrates.............. 33.1 g

Dietary fiber................... 2.1 g

Calcium......................... 181 mg

Iron................................   1.7 mg

Magnesium....................  25 mg

Phosphorus................... 153 mg

Potassium...................... 401 mg

Sodium............................ 17 mg

Zinc...................................1.16 mg

Manganese...................... 1.67 mg

Selenium......................... 14.2 µg

Vitamin C........................  31.2 mg

Vitamin B6 .......................1.24 mg

Folate...................... .........3 Âµg

Beta carotene.................. 5  Âµg

Luthein + zeaxanthin...... 16  Âµg

Vitamin k.......................... 1.7  Âµg

Vitamin E...........................0.08 mg

Lipid (fat) total..................0.5 g

Fatty saturated acids.......0.089 g

Fatty monosaturated acids.......0.011 g

The Health Benefits of Garlic

   Garlic is abundant, it’s cheap and it's everywhere. So, there’s no excuse not to take advantage of it. Garlic is rich in antioxidants. Its main active compound, allicin, have both anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. The rich content of these strong spice compounds makes garlic the most powerful antibiotic in nature.The health benefits of eating garlic are numerous:

·  *  Help lower cholesterol level: Only 1 clove of garlic each day can reduce your cholesterol level up to 20%.

·     Help boost the immune system thanks to the high content of antioxidants in garlic.

·     Reduce inflammation

·     Help decrease the risk of having heart diseases

·     Help with digestion: When garlic is consumed in moderate quantities, it can help promote a healthy gut and digestion.

·    Help increase the absorption of food nutrients: the sulfur compound in garlic help with absorption of minerals such as zinc and iron. Just like onions, garlic acts like an enhancer to this absorption process.

·     Help fight infections

·     Reduce high blood pressure

·     Help prevent cancer

       FYI : Consuming too much garlic of raw can be very toxic and dangerous. On an emplty stomach, it can cause several trouble in the gut and intestines.It is preferable not to eat moderate quantities of raw garlic (from half a clove to one clove). You can better cook it with some other meals.


 Several studies have suggested that adding more garlic to your diet may be beneficial in improving cholesterol levels, reducing high blood pressure and even preventing certain types of cancer. While it can be pungent, adding a few cloves of garlic to your meals can provide significant health benefits.

How to Add Garlic to Your Diet

   Adding garlic to your diet offers numerous health benefits, such as reducing inflammation in the body and improving heart health due to its antioxidant properties. Additionally, it can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, improve circulation, and lower cholesterol levels. Garlic also contains compounds such as allicin, which can act as a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent. Furthermore, garlic is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals essential for optimal health, such as manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and selenium. For these reasons, garlic is an excellent addition to any diet.

   To get the most out of garlic when adding it to your diet, try to use it as a fresh ingredient as opposed to jarred or powdered. This way you’ll be able to maximize its full potential and reap all of its nutritional benefits. Garlic has long been known for its benefits, most commonly its ability to support the immune system and benefits to cardiovascular health. It has also been known to help detox the body, assist in digestion, reduce inflammation and protect against viruses and bacteria. The benefits of garlic are abundant, so adding it to your diet is an excellent way to help promote general health and well-being.

   When adding garlic to your diet, try incorporating it into a variety of dishes like marinades, dressings, soups, stews and sauces for a flavorful punch and optimal health benefits All in all, the benefits of garlic cannot be overstated. Incorporating garlic into a variety of dishes is an easy way to make sure you reap all the benefits that this superfood provides. It offers a great flavor to dishes while also providing enhanced health benefits.



   In conclusion, garlic is an incredibly nutritious superfood that can have a positive effect on your overall health and wellbeing. Its extensive list of health benefits range from reducing cholesterol levels to boosting the immune system and strengthening the cardiovascular system. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory properties and is known to have a positive impact on blood sugar levels. Incorporating garlic into your diet is easy with these delicious recipes, so start adding more of this superfood to your meals today!