Our body is subject to lots of bacteria and viruses that could cause many complications. One of the most common bacteria in our modern times is the (H.Pylori) Helicobacter Pylori.

helicobacter pylori bacteria and the stomach

   It is a bacterium that attacks mainly the digestive system and more specifically the stomach. This silent bacterium is present in more than half of the world’s population, and many do not have a clue they are having the infection. This is because most people do not develop any symptoms at all. Let us together discover what are the main causes, symptoms and how to treat and avoid this unpleasant intruder?



   The Helicobacter Pylori bacteria can be spread through contaminated water or food. Besides, it can be transmitted from one person to another through saliva, vomit, direct contact or even stool.

   There are lots of people who are infected by Helicobacter Pylori, and who do not show any visible symptoms or signs. This fact is maybe due to the strength of their immune system and because they can have the infection without developing any problems. Here are the most common symptoms that an infected person can show when infected:

-           *   Nausea

-             Considerable weight loss

-            Loss of appetite

-          *  Bloating

-          * Stomachache

FYI : The Helicobacter Pylori bacteria can cause numerous problems in the digestive system, including stomach ulcers


   People must understand that the bacteria itself is not the real danger. It can be treated easily. The thing that triggers this living microorganism is mostly the unhealthy lifestyle people pursue: fast food, all kinds of fried snacks, processed foods, contaminated water…..

If you want to get rid of this bacterium or avoid getting it, you need to follow certain steps:

·      The best natural treatment for Helicobacter Pylori remains without a doubt propolis. You can take it in the natural form or as capsules. It is the best cure for Helicobacter Pylori. Propolis is many times more effective and powerful than penicillin.

   Pursue a vegan diet with no meat: A diet rich in vegetables, fruits and fish is the best way to avoid getting these bacteria.  It is also the best method to treat and cure this infection. You will provide your body with excellent nutrients that will positively affect your overall health.

  Avoid drinking cold things directly from the fridge: Drinking cold or freezing stuff will help these bacteria to grow and multiply inside your gut.

Avoid eating fast, fried and processed foods: These bacteria grow and live in a body that is fed with processed, fast or fried foods. It is the perfect environment for them. So, if you stop eating this junk foods, you will automatically doom these microorganisms to annihilation.

       Cooking at home: cooking at home is one of the best methods to save your body lots of problems from living on street foods. At least, you know that you are eating clean food.

Help your body to counterattack these bacteria by taking food that is rich in probiotics: The beneficial nutrients in probiotics help make your immune system strong and capable of fighting such intrusion.

Olive oil is one of the best food nutrients that helps cure this infection: Olive oil is loaded with unique and powerful antioxidants and polyphenols. These two active compounds help nurture the friendly bacteria in your gut and at the same time can destroy harmful ones like Helicobacter Pylori.

 Sesame seeds are also excellent for fighting this kind of infection. These wonderful seeds can be incorporated in your meals or taken separately.

 There exist certain herbs and spices that can destroy this bacterium, like turmeric, ginger, galangal, fenugreek, coriander seeds, thyme, mint leaves, anise star…