Our body harbors two kinds of living bacteria: the good and friendly kind and the bad kind. The good bacteria are called probiotics. They can be found in different parts of our body, like the mouth, the skin, the vagina, the urinary tract, the large intestines, and the colon. The main benefit of these probiotics is to help restore a healthy balance in our gut. Besides, these “tiny protectors” can have a wide range of benefits such as aiding with digestion, helping with weight loss, boosting the immune system...

Let us dive deeper to get to know these wonderful microorganisms and their crucial role to our health. 

probiotics microbiome gut health

   Probiotics are the live bacteria or yeasts. They act as our protectors against the bad bacteria. It is important to understand these microorganisms and how they operate. Their very existence inside our gut is very important. Probiotics need our help to multiply and stay strong to outcome any invasion of the bad bacteria. To thrive, our good bacteria need prebiotics AKA fiber. And they need both types of fiber, the soluble fiber, and the insoluble fiber. By providing them with the right nutrients and healthy food, we gave our probiotics the capacity to survive and promote healthy environment inside our stomach and intestines.

 Probiotics feed mainly on fructose sugar. This sugar is called Unilin. It is a compound sugar made of fructose and organic acids. It is found, particularly in fibers. If our probiotics are not well nurtured, they could become very weak and vulnerable with time. It could  eventually be replaced by certain fungal bacteria like Candida Albicans, causing big problems for the colon and the whole digestive system.


These living and good bacteria plays a crucial role in our metabolism. They can help:
1- Maintain a good balance and harmony inside our gut: a disorder or an imbalance of 
the microbiome means there are too many bad bacteria in our body. To keep a healthy the balance inside our digestive system, our probiotics need to live and multiply to overcome the bad bacteria and counter any possible infection or disease. To achieve that, these living microorganisms need the right food nutrients.
2- Improve our immune system
3- Protect against bad bacteria
4- Improve digestion
5- Help absorb food nutrients like minerals
6- Good for the health of our cardio-vascular system


      For decades, probiotics are used in the industry of processed foods. The most used bacteria genres are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. They can be found in foods like yogurts, milk, cheese, ice cream, dark chocolate and other fermented foods and beverages. Probiotics are also sold as capsule supplements in pharmacies. But they also can be found in natural fresh vegetables and fruits.


1- Sweet potatoes: they need to be consumed raw and not cooked or baked. The best way to get the most benefits from it is to prepare it in the form of a juice along with some other fresh vegetables, fruits or even spices.

2- Jerusalem artichoke: It is full of unilin, a dietary soluble fiber.

3- Red pumpkin

4- Asparagus

5- Artichoke




Probiotics can also be found in:

·  * Yogurt can be one of the best sources of probiotics. But not all yogurts contain probiotics. Just make sure you buy a yogurt with live active cultures and get the one with no added sugar.

·      * Kefir: it is a fermented probiotic milk drink made by kefir grains to cows or goat’s milk. Kefir grains are cultures of lactic acid bacteria and yeast that look like cauliflower.

·      * Miso: it is a Japanese seasoning traditionally made by fermenting soybeans with salt in a type of fungus.

·      * Sauerkraut: It is a shredded cabbage fermented by lactic acid bacteria. Just make sure the sauerkraut is unpasteurized because pasteurization kills the live bacteria.

·      * Pickled: They are cucumbers that have been preserved in a solution made of just salt and water. Then they are left to ferment over time using their own lactic acid bacteria which gives them the sour taste. Pickles are also high in sodium. 

·      * Garlic

·     * Caraway

·      * Cumin

·      * Anise stars

·      * Agave

·      * Turmeric

·      * Fenugreek

·      * Coriander seeds

·      * Onion


There are certain things that could destroy your probiotics and you need to avoid. If you want to keep your probiotics strong and healthy, you need to avoid certain foods like:

·     * all kinds of fried foods

·      * sugary

·      * too much meat

·      * all foods that have additives

·      * medication


The bottom line

Just remember, probiotics can be useless unless you consume enough insoluble and soluble fiber about 30 grams per day.