There exist many herbs that can be consumed as a hot drink. Their benefits are numerous for our health:

1    -   Thyme + water or milk 
2-       Ginger + water
3-       Galangal + water
4-      Wormwood + water or milk
5-       Saffron + water

Infuse for at least 10 Minutes

All these herbs and spices can be prepared as a hot drink or infusion in a kettle using only water or milk. Boil for at least 10 minutes, filter and drink it warm.
FYI: Saffron is not recommended for people who have high blood pressure

thyme herb

 It is used both for its culinary and aromatic properties, but also for its medicinal qualities. It belongs to the mint family. This herb is loaded with phytochemicals and antioxidants that provide multiple benefits for our overall health.
·       Lower blood pressure
·       Fight acne
·       Boost the immunity system
·       Help alleviate cough and flu
·       Prevent bacterial infections
·       Can help prevent certain cancers

Ginger has a ton of benefits. It is one of the best and healthiest spices. Ginger contains Gingerol, its main active ingredient in high concentration. Many studies have shown the goods of using ginger on people health:
·     Relieves nausea, morning sickness and seasickness.
·     Ginger lowers your cholesterol. Studies have shown that ginger plays an important role in enzymes that help lower cholesterol.
·     It can help with muscle soreness.
·     It relieves digestive issues such as irritation thanks to the phenolic compounds found in ginger. These ingredients help stimulate saliva and bile production. It allows foods and fluids to move through the GI tract more smoothly.
·     Ginger help reduce the risk of heart diseases and stroke. We all know that high blood sugar is a major risk factor to heart diseases. In a study that involved participants with type 2 diabetes. Researchers found that 2 grams of ginger powder each day for twelve weeks lowered blood sugar and led to a 10 % overall reduction.
·     Ginger improves brain function. The ingredients in ginger can fight against neurodegenerative disorders. With the intake of ginger, people who suffer from Alzheimer have been shown to have reduced brain inflammation.

fresh galangal herb

   Galangal is one the great spices in nature. Its main ingredient is Galangin. It belongs to the family of ginger and Turmeric.
   Galangal is called “the spice of life”. This spice possesses different ingredients that have antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Because of its high richness in antioxidants (polyphenols), galangal has numerous health benefits to our body and can be used as a powerful medicine to help treat various ailments:
·     It contains powerful and active cancer fighting compounds (flavonoids) which help protect against certain types of cancer like colon, breast, pancreas and leukemia.
·     Boost male fertility with sperm count and libido.
·     Protect our body against all kinds of bacterial infections, fungi and parasites.
·     The richness of antioxidants in galangal help minimize the damage caused by the free radicals in our systems.
·     Help improve blood circulation.
·     Prevents cold and flu because it contains a great amount of Vitamin C.
·     Galangal is rich in natural fibers, flavonoids and several other compounds. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties which helps relieve from constipation, indigestion, arthritis, rheumatism and other inflammatory disorders.


wormwood herb

This is used for some alcoholic beverages like absinthe and vermouth. Its taste is bitter, and it has been for centuries for medicinal purposes.
·     Help ease inflammatory symptoms like pain, swelling and redness.
·     Fight bacteria and fungus because of the antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of its components like terpenes and camphor.
·     Help with digestion, gastritis
·     Help relieve from the symptoms of gallbladder disease and Crohn’s disease.



Saffron is expensive. But, it is packed with antioxidants like safranal and kaempferol.
·     It fights free radicals
·     Protects against oxidative stress
·     Protect brain cells
·     Improve mood
·     Prevent from cancers