Green Salad

   Our lives have drastically changed since the Covid-19 pandemic. Millions of people around the globe suffered and struggled during these hard times. And the reason was the bad lifestyle they had been pursuing for years. As a result, their immunity system became so weak and vulnerable, and was easily compromised when the virus struck. 

   The only group of people that survived this ordeal with less damage were the vegan community. They led a healthy way of life, controlled their food and eventually boosted their body defense mechanisms. Time is up. People need to pursue a healthy lifestyle and control everything they eat or drink. In this article, we will explore the connections between the body's systems and the food we eat.

   Normally, we are not supposed to get sick at all. It may seem unbelievable, but it is the truth. Why? Because everything our body could ever need is out there in our mother nature. All the beneficial nutrients from vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, antioxidants, proteins… can be found in natural foods. Our body is just like a car with a special engine. And this engine needs to be taken care of by choosing the best lubricants. To achieve this goal that has become mandatory in our modern times, we need to follow two major steps:

* Knowing the systems inside the human body.

* Knowing the categories of food needed to maintain these systems


   Our body is a unique and complex machine. It is made of several systems that are all interconnected. Their job is based on the nutrients we consume. Ultimately, the food we eat defines our entire health and affects the work of these systems in a good or bad way. So, let’s get introduced to our body’s systems:


It is the network of organs that help us breathe. It includes the nose, mouth, throat, lungs and blood vessels. The respiratory system works in collaboration with the digestive system to provide the body with oxygen. Our cells need oxygen to function properly. Our system extracts oxygen from the air that goes directly to our lungs and then to the blood vessels. On the other hand, carbon dioxide moves out from our blood vessels and then is exhaled. This exchange of gases is crucial.


organs that constitute the digestive system

   It is simply all the organs from the mouth to the anus. It consists of various organs like the stomach, the mouth, intestines, pancreas, liver, colon. This system plays a crucial role in breaking down the food we eat into tiny molecules. When we eat, our digestive system releases enzymes and acids to turn our food into smaller components like vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, minerals, fats…After that, these nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream and taken to the cells and used to produce energy, help with growth and cell repair. The digestive system also has an important mission. That is the disposing of solid waste and stool. 


 It is also called the circulatory system. This system includes such organs as the heart, blood vessels and blood. Its primary function is to transport nutrients and oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Also, it carries deoxygenated blood back to the lungs. This transport system is vital to our health. The nutrients obtained during this operation are needed for energy and repair.


 Our nervous system is literally the command center of everything within your body. It controls almost everything you do, feel, think, say. It commands your movements, thoughts, memories and automatic responses to the environment around you.  This system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and a complex network of nerves. The main master of the system is the brain. It is responsible for processing sensory information and sending signals to different parts of the body. In order to maintain a healthy nervous system, proper nutrition is required, like vitamins and minerals.


 Nearly all movement in our body is the natural result of muscle contraction. The muscular system contains more than 600 interconnected muscles that enable the full functioning of the body. There exist three types of muscles: 

·        Skeletal muscles are attached directly to the bones. They are the only muscles in our body that can be voluntarily controlled. They help us walk and run.
·        Involuntary muscles are found in organs like the stomach and intestines. They are very weak. They are responsible for involuntary movement, such as digestion. Their role is crucial in moving food along the digestive system and maintaining blood circulation through blood vessels.
·        Cardiac muscles help with pumping blood throughout the body. They are located only in the heart. Our heartbeat is the result of these muscle contractions. This type of muscle is strong and it acts involuntarily.


It is also called the excretory system. The kidneys and bladder are the two major organs of this system. All our blood passes through our kidneys to be filtered. Then, all other waste (urea, water and extra salt) is removed in the form of urine.  The urinary system's role is essential as it acts as a regulator of the volume of fluid inside our body.



 It includes bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. The skeletal system is above all the supporting structure to our entire body. Also, it serves as a protection to our internal organs from injuries. It helps store minerals like calcium. So, nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis.


 It is also called the immune system. It is made up of millions of little vessels that branch all around our body. They carry out a colorless fluid called lymph. Our lymphatic system has three main duties: First, it fights infections using its lymphocytes (white blood cells). Secondly, it acts as a one-way drainage system, transporting fluid from body tissues into the blood stream circulation. And thirdly, it gets rid of waste products produced by cells.


 It is responsible for reproduction and sexual functioning. In females, there is ovaries, which are small glands that contain eggs and produce female hormones. This egg is fertilized by the male sperm in the vagina during sexual intercourse. This egg develops into a fetus and is delivered during childbirth. In males, we find testes that produce sperm.


 It includes several organs and glands that produce and secrete hormones. These hormones are released into the blood stream and go to different organs and tissues. They are responsible for regulating certain processes in the body as growth, metabolism and reproduction. The key organs in this system are the pineal gland, the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, the pancreas, testes, and ovaries.



 It is basically a physical shield that protects the body against exterior threats like bacteria, infection, injury and sunlight. It includes different structures in our body like the skin, hair, nails, the glands and nerves.

                   FOR YOUR BODY

    Now, we have been introduced to our body systems, let’s meet the varieties of food categories needed to keep this body healthy and strong. There are many different categories of food, each with its own unique benefits. Here are the five important food groups:


    Fruits is one of the best food categories. There exists a wide selection of fruits. They contain great nutrients that are beneficial for our body.
·        Fruits are rich in simple sugar, mainly fructose. Unlike the various refined sugars, fruit sugar is slowly digested thanks to high fiber content in most fruits. As a result, blood sugar is maintained in a balanced level.
·        Fruits are fiber-rich. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate. They help regulate the body’s use of sugar and keep our blood sugar in balance. Children and adults need at least 25 to 35 grams of fiber every day.
·        Fruits are a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin A and vitamin C.
·        Fruits contain several minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Calcium builds strong bones and teeth, and help regulate our blood pressure. Potassium is important for our nerves and muscle contraction. Phosphorus is good for our bones and teeth. Magnesium is vital for our nervous system, heart functions, blood pressure regulation and body’s enzymes.
·        Fruits have high level of antioxidants. The process of oxidation in our body produces unstable chemicals called free radicals. To fight these free radicals, we need our diet to be rich in antioxidants. Best known antioxidants in fruits are vitamin A, C and E, and some minerals like copper, zinc and selenium


a selection of fresh and natural vegetables
The second most important food category is vegetables. Vegetables are full of vital vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and low in calories. Vegetables provide important health benefits for our body. For example, carrot is known to contain vitamin A, which is essential for the health of the eye. Vegetables are also a great source of fiber and minerals like potassium and sodium. Moreover, they are a great source of folate, a B vitamin that helps our body make new red blood cells. Most health experts agree that vegetables should be eaten on a daily basis to provide your body with all these great nutrients.


   Grain products include foods from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley. There exists two subcategories: whole and refined grains. Whole grains are the best option for our health because they have the entire grain kernel (the bran, the germ and the endosperm). In this category, we find whole-wheat flour, oatmeal, brown rice, bulgur (cracked wheat). Grains provide us with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Seeds are also as important as all the other food categories. They are high in fiber, healthy fats and protein. Seeds are loaded with minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron and zinc. They are a good source for vitamin B1, B2, B3 and vitamin E. All these nutrients help reduce the risk of heart diseases, maintain weight and reduce the risk of diabetes. The best seeds are sesame, pumpkin, sha, sunflower, flaxseeds and caraway.


 Not all fats are bad for our health. Our body needs some fats like omega 3. These “good fats” help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. They also lower bad cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and can also help with weight loss.  We find these fats in a variety of foods such as olive oil, olives, avocado, sesame or sesame oil and also in fish. These fats can also be found in nuts like almonds, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans… 

a variety of different spices
   The most ignored food category, yet one of the important ones. This category includes spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, coriander seeds, fenugreek, ginger…. Also, there are herbs like rosemary, sage, oregano, and thyme. Those two classes play a crucial role in helping our body fight diseases and viral infections. They contain antioxidants with high content of phenolic and phytoestrogen compounds.

   There exist other food categories that many consider important, but I have excluded them from this article. They are all processed foods, including dairy products, sugary and animal protein (meat and chicken). Fish is not included in this list. Processed foods are all foods that has been altered or modified. These food products could be dangerous if consumed abundantly. They can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Let’s take as an example, dairy products. Most of these products are derived from milk. They are either pasteurized, chemically altered or fermented and several preservatives are added to them. Ultimately, the consumption of all processed foods should be moderate.
   Now, you know how your systems work and their reliability on food nutrients. I believe that we are meant to be 100 % vegan. And this vegan lifestyle must be composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, healthy fats, spices and herbs. This diet should exclude all canned, frozen, dried, dehydrated, pasteurized products. The obvious explanation is very simple: our body is made to process natural food easily and takes most advantage of its nutrients. On the other hand, all processed foods with additives and coloring supplements create a state of chaos inside our body. And with time, things could get worse, provoking multiple diseases. It is important to follow a balanced diet that includes a variety of natural foods to ensure that all the body's systems receive the nutrients they need to function properly.

Now, the question is : are you ready to be the master of your body and fate ?. Or it is hard to let go all the bad eating habits we pursued for years ?.