Nowadays, people use spices as a supplement to add more flavor and coloring to their food. But our ancestors used these varieties of condiments for their incredible healing powers. In ancient cultures, spices have long been used to treat a variety of ailments. In this article, we will uncover some healing powers of the 5 best spices and their benefits on our health.

   Spices should not be consumed for vitamins, proteins, minerals... But it must be rather taken for their power of healing and preservation of our body against all kinds of diseases. Spices are the primary source for polyphenols and flavonoids. These two natural substances are very strong antioxidants. They have many healing and medicinal properties:

·      Spices can act as an anesthetic or pain killer by stopping and neutralizing all kinds of inflammatory infections in our body.

·      Thanks to its richness in antioxidants, spices have been known to help reduce cancer, improve oral health and digestion.

·      Spices are good for blood circulation and help reduce blood pressure.

·      Spices kill all kinds of bacteria (fungal infections, Viruses, parasites…)

·      Spices must be consumed in small doses (just a pinch) unlike the turmeric that can be taken up to 2 g a day.

·      The secret of the healing power of spices is to mix them together. You can take up to five different spices and mix them with your food or as a hot drink. Ultimately, you will get most advantage of it.

Let us discover the 5 best spices :


1-  CLOVES  

pieces of cloves

      The clove tree is native to Indonesia. These flower buds are the Caesars of all spices. It has the most powerful antioxidant in nature which is Eugenol. Cloves are rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. This spice was used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Most people are unaware of the medicinal properties that cloves can provide. Here are some of healthy benefits of this spice:

·      Cloves are packed with antibacterial properties. Apart from eugenol, cloves contain lipids, oleic acid and allicin (found in garlic).

·      Consuming just two cloves in the morning help combat free radical damage all day.

·      Cloves can regulate blood sugar levels. Many studies have shown that the ingredients found in cloves can help increase the uptake of glucose from the blood to your cells. It also helps increase the production of insulin, and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

·         Cloves are packed with calcium, phosphorus, boron, magnesium and manganese.  These minerals are important for healthy bones and can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

·      Cloves can help with digestion by killing off pathogens and certain fungi. These parasites can disrupt the healthy intestinal flora in your stomach. It also prevents stomach ulcers.

·      Boost the immune system: Adding cloves to your diet can strengthen your immune system. It can reduce chronic inflammation, the key contributor to certain deadly diseases: heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer…

·      Cloves are also used to treat toothaches. The eugenol is a natural anesthetic which can reduce pain that comes out of a sore tooth.



Cinnamon sticks and cinnamon powder

Caution sign

  People who have kidney failure or kidney problems must not consume Cinnamon. It is very dangerous for their overall health and can cause severe complications.

   Cinnamon is an aromatic spice which is native to Sri Lanka. It is also cultivated in India, Myanmar and some other countries in Asia. For thousands of years, this powerful condiment was used in traditional medicine to treat different ailments. It is also used in cooking, baking and as an additive in many industrial products.

   Cinnamon contains one of the most powerful ingredients in nature, Cinnamaldehyde. It is the essential oil that gives this plant its aroma and flavor. Cinnamaldehyde is a natural and strong flavonoid that can be very beneficial to our health:

·      Cinnamon is very beneficial to people with diabetes type 2 and metabolic syndrome. It reduces their resistance to insulin. The powerful compounds in this spice help insulin get to the cells.

·      It activates beta cells in our pancreas.

·      It has anti-inflammatory properties. So, it helps reduce and relieve pain, rheumatism, fibromyalgia and help repair tissue damage.

·      Cinnamon can protect against cancer.

·      It lowers blood pressure.

·      Cinnamaldehyde is powerful against several bacterial and fungal infections like salmonella.

·      1.5 grams of cinnamon per day helps lower cholesterol level in people with diabetes. Consequently, it reduces the risk of heart diseases and stroke. 

·      Good for teeth health, tooth decay and bad breath.



Galangal herb

   Two times more powerful than turmeric, galangal is one the great spices in nature. Its main ingredient is Galangin. It belongs to the family of ginger and Turmeric. It is mainly cultivated in Asian countries like Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China, India, Malaysia, and Vietnam. It comes in two forms, either fresh roots or dried and dehydrated (ground).

   Galangal is widely used in South Asian cuisine. Its usage is varied. It is used in seafood dishes, noodles, soups, curries, Pad Thais, can be used as a fresh supplement or as paste in our meals, and can be consumed as an infusion (tea).

   Galangal is called “the spice of life”. This spice possesses different ingredients that have antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Because of its high richness in antioxidants (polyphenols), galangal has numerous health benefits to our body and can be used as a powerful medicine to help treat various ailments:

·      It contains powerful and active cancer fighting compounds (flavonoids) which help protect against certain types of cancer like colon, breast, pancreas and leukemia.

·      Boost male fertility with sperm count and libido.

·      Protect our body against all kinds of bacterial infections, fungi and parasites.

·      The richness of antioxidants in galangal help minimize the damage caused by the free radicals in our systems.

·      Help improve blood circulation.

·      Prevents cold and flu because it contains a great amount of Vitamin C.

·      Galangal is rich in natural fibers, flavonoids and several other compounds. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties which helps relieve from constipation, indigestion, arthritis, rheumatism and other inflammatory disorders.


A bowl with Turmeric powder

   Turmeric is originated mostly in Ceylon, India. It is one of the best spices in nature. Turmeric contains a special ingredient called Curcumin, its main active compound. It has anti-inflammatory properties and it is a strong antioxidant.

   Turmeric is the safest of all spices. People can have up to 2 large spoons of turmeric a day without any complications. Also, turmeric can go with all spices, plants and herbs such as green tea, rosemary, caper, basil leaves, ginger, galangal… It can be added in all kinds of our foods and also it can be consumed as a hot or cold drink. The variety of its usage is unlimited.

   For people who cannot cook, they can take turmeric capsules. Science has proven that the combination of Curcumin and omega 3 is very beneficial. Curcumin have immense benefits on our health like:

·      Prevents colon cancer.

·      Help prevents diseases like Alzheimer and Parkinson.

·      Our kidneys are the garbage bin of our body. So, Curcumin protect our kidneys from high level of ketones.

·      A strong detox agent for some organs like stomach, pancreas, liver and kidneys. It cleans our system from high toxicity.

·      Get rid of free radicals from our system. Free radicals come mainly from meat, sugar and cheese. These roots can cause colon cancer. There exist certain enzymes that prevents these oxidations like fibers and antioxidants. And curcumin help the body to dispose of these free radicals.


fresh ginger and ginger powder

Ginger has a ton of benefits. It is actually one of the best and healthiest spices. Ginger comes from the same plant as turmeric and Cardamone. It dates back over 5000 years when it was used for its medicinal purposes and for cooking as well. Ginger comes in different forms: pickled, candied, in root form and ground.

   Ginger contains Gingerol, its main active ingredient in high concentration. Many studies have shown the goods of using ginger on people health:

·      Relieves nausea, morning sickness and sea-sickness.

·      Ginger lower your cholesterol. Studies have shown that ginger plays an important role in enzymes that help lower cholesterol.

·      It can help with muscle soreness. Some researchers conducted a study with athletic participants. They took 3 grams of ginger every day for over six-week trial. The result has shown that their muscle soreness was reduced by 20%.

·      It relieves digestive issues such as irritation thanks to the phenolic compounds found in ginger.These ingredients help stimulate saliva and bile production. It allows foods and fluids to move through the GI tract more smoothly.

·      Ginger help reduce the risk of heart diseases and stroke. We all know that high blood sugar is a major risk factor to heart diseases. In a study that involved participants with type 2 diabetes. Researchers found that 2 grams of ginger powder each day for twelve weeks lowered blood sugar and led to a 10 % overall reduction.

·      Ginger improve brain function. The ingredients in ginger can fight against neurodegenerative disorders. With the intake of ginger, people who suffer from Alzheimer have been shown to have reduced brain inflammation.



Our nutrition diet would be incomplete if we do not add spices to our food and in everything we eat (salads, pastas, soups, beans, bread…). As our body needs vitamins, protein, minerals, carbohydrates, healthy fats… it also needs the antioxidants found in spices.

 So, are you ready to spice up your life?.