Diabetes is without doubt the most common disease in our modern age. This chronic disease is due to the insufficiency of insulin. (Insulin is the hormone responsible for lowering blood sugar). Diabetes can affect all categories of people: children, youths, and adults.  There exist two kinds of diabetes: First type is called Insulin dependent diabetes and type 2 is called Insulin Independent Diabetes.

testing blood sugar for diabetes

Type 1 diabetes: Insulin dependent


It happens mostly to younger people under the age of 30 years. Its main cause is the shortage of insulin storage in our body. Besides, there is a reduction in the beta cells, the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. The islets of Langerhans is the scientific name of these cells. That is why this shortage must be replaced by injecting insulin. There exist several factors that trigger the shortage of insulin:

·     * The insulin receptors in our blood cells are not functioning well.

      * Existence of anti-bodies that counter the functions of the pancreas cells that produce the insulin

·      Pancreas being contaminated by a viral infection

·     The existence of chromosomal aberration, a genetic disorder

Type 2 diabetes: Insulin independent


It is the most common type of diabetes. It has nothing to do with or without the existence of anti-bodies against the Islets of Langerhans. The patients of this type can be divided into two groups: Obese people who can mostly respond to diet. The second group is the thin people. They need medicines that help the pancreas produce insulin, the sulfonylurea, and its derivatives. But the use of such medication can only be effective for up to seven years. Then, the patient must inject the insulin.


The hormones that counter the effects of

 insulin in the body are:

·     Glucagon, which raises sugar in the blood

·     Growth hormone

·    Corticotrophins

·     Adrenaline, which acts as an anti-insulin

·     Thyroxine, which is responsible for the speed of reproduction in the pancreas     

·     Hormone of Adrenal gland that change protein into glucose and increases the amount of sugar in the blood.


Apart from checking the plasma glycine levels, people with diabetes need to control the following four factors to avoid any health complications:

-         Weight

-         Vitamin D

-        High blood pressure

-         Cholesterol


    Apart from medication, it has become important to look for unconventional treatments or cures like herbs. Let us discover some of the medicinal properties of herbs:

·      Decrease blood sugar up to 60% because of the powerful compounds it contains.

·      Herbs include Zinc, an important metal that helps our Peptides (a small protein) with the reproduction of pancreas cells.

·      Some of the herbs are rich in organic sulfur. It helps to reinforce the insulin receptors in our blood. For example, in India, fenugreek seeds are used as a medicinal cure for both types of diabetes.




·     Olive tree leaves are excellent for high blood pressure. It contains the powerful plant compound called Oleuropein. They can be consumed as an infusion on its own or with some other herbs and spices.

·    The cacti plant is perfect for controlling high blood pressure because of its high content in potassium. It can be used in a variety of ways: in juices, in salads or cooked with other vegetables. It is best consumed raw. Just take out the needles.


·     Aloe vera is great for reducing your blood pressure. It is a perfect supplement, especially for people with diabetes type 2.

·    Carob is great for people with diabetes. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This tree-fruit contains vitamins such as vitamin A, B2, B3 and B6. It is also packed with great minerals like copper, calcium, manganese, potassium, zinc, selenium, magnesium… One of the main benefits of carob is lowering the cholesterol levels.

·  Fenugreek seeds are a good choice for persons with diabetes. It contains fiber and some other plant compounds. The high fiber content in fenugreek helps slow down the process of digestion, and thus lower down blood pressure. You can take up to 5 g of fenugreek twice a day before meals.(According to a study by The journal of diabetes and metabolic disorders. Large doses can trigger a great drop in blood sugar. People with allergies and pregnant women should not take fenugreek.

fenugreek seeds and fenugreek powder

·     *  Flaxseeds are rich in fiber and minerals. It contains both soluble and                     insoluble fiber. These fibers help regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol.

       * All the leaves of fruit trees are good for diabetes. It Can be taken as infusions or teas. The carob tree, pomegranate, cork oak, apple…. They are rich in saponin, flavonoids, polyphenols.  

       *  Sesame seeds facilitates the blood circulation.